About Fitz Coatings
Fitz Coatings specialises in the provision of technical advice, guidance and consultancy to the protective coatings industry. Founded by corrosion protection specialist, Brendan Fitzsimons, Fitz Coatings ltd continues to provide specialist consultative services for some of the world’s most demanding and high-profile protective coatings projects, including the Forth Rail Bridge, Tower Bridge, and Royal Navy warships, as well as industrial sites and petrochemical complexes.

Corrosion detection tool brief
Fitz Coating ltd is often confronted with circumstances in which a skilled professional must measure the degree of corrosion on a given surface. Estimating the percentage of cover is challenging, and estimates also differ from one individual to the next. Fitz Coatings approached Arch with the aim of developing a technological solution that would aid in these estimations.
A tool that can analyse a photograph, identify areas of corrosion, and measure the percentage of the surface covered by corrosion is being sought. The tool should be combined with RI ratings to provide a suggested guideline for the degree of corrosion in a given picture.
The method may also be used as a teaching guide to help users recognise and evaluate degrees of corrosion, as well as for specialist evaluation. The aim of this initial brief is to evaluate the proof of concept for the above-mentioned method, to assess its viability and probability of success, and to record an implementation strategy (where feasible) for such a tool.

Corrosion detection tool deliverables
We completed a feasibility test of the technology that would be required to undertake the development of a full corrosion detection system. As a part of this, we delivered:
- The investigation into the feasibility of such a tool produced a proof of concept document, allowing the team at Fitz Coatings to fully understand the requirements attributed to developing the product in full. This POCD also detailed the steps necessary to assess an image for corrosion, and the technical, analytic and algorithmic approaches it takes.
- Our POCD also detailed the likelihood of success of such a tool as well as any limitations and limiting factors.
- Further to the primary function of the POCD, we were able to ensure it is able to serve as a blueprint to the development team in developing the corrosion detection tool.