What is discovery?
Discovery is an essential part of the development process. It’s the catalyst for the client/developer relationship and the former of guidelines by which all parties will follow. Every project starts with a discovery phase to help narrow the scope and get things moving in the right direction. We go over the documents provided to us prior to discovery, whether they're briefs, reference sites or services, current assets, or branding created by your team, to bring to light all of the pertinent information that needs to be addressed during the design and development phases.
How does discovery work?
We run combined team workshops during discovery to learn exactly what success means to you and your stakeholders, whether qualitative or quantitative. This is also an opportunity for us to learn more about your users and how their use of your services may be influenced. In this context, we also set the key objectives of going through the project development process: learning about your organization's motivations and associating them with the best development styles and pathways. We can recommend the best technology and platform options to help you achieve your objectives.

What do we achieve?
The discovery process culminates in an overview of all project requirements. This includes digesting all of the project's identified requirements, as well as backend systems, personas, and research, which are the Discovery process's main outputs. We take all of the above information and create a detailed plan of action and effort for the already assigned team. This detailed scope of work provides the necessary foundation for us to deliver your final costs to you.