We worked with Nestlé to develop a multi-nutritional assessment mobile application platform for Android and iOS to assist vulnerable populations in gaining a holistic outlook of their nutritional health.

About The Client
Nestlé S.A., based in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland, is a global food and beverage production business. Since 2014, it has been the world's largest food corporation based on revenue and other criteria. Our work with them saw the launching of a Multi-Nutritional Assessment tool (MNA) which sought to increase vulnerable people’s understanding of how their diet affected their wellbeing.

The Problem
Due to a range of factors, elderly populations are at far greater risk of developing diet and nutritional based diseases, to address this, Nestle developed the MNA, which to this day and is the most well-validated nutrition screening tool for the elderly. To ensure ease of access to the service, it was proposed the interactive form should be put in a mobile environment.

The Solution
After a last-minute change in supplier, Nestle was left short on the development of their MNA app. Arch stepped in to bring the product to market, at a high standard and to tight deadlines. When the app was launched, its unrivalled ability to give health-related advice to vulnerable groups put it at the forefront of statistical measurement of nutritional wellness globally. The application, which handled non-sensitive data, was able to provide accurate suggestions for referrals to doctors and nutritionists while providing users peace of mind in being able to track weight gain/loss and other symptoms of ailments, diseases and conditions.

Nestle MNA App Features
- Developed with a hybrid framework
- Statistical data recording at input points
- Progression graph allowing users to track change over time
- Multi-language enabled
- Intuitive UX
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